Monday 20 May 2013

How to make the Date Time format in using DateTime Format

//=================Tochange the Date Format from MM/dd/yyyy to dd/MM/yyyy================//

       //First Assign the Date Value to a String Variable
         string urDate_Of_Appointment = TxtDateOfApp.Text; 

//Then declare a object of the method of System Define for DateTime Format  
    System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo dateDate_Of_AppointmentInfo = new System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo();

//Then Assign the format of the Date(dd/MM/yyy) to DateTimeFormatInfo
            dateDate_Of_AppointmentInfo.ShortDatePattern = "dd/MM/yyyy";

//Then assign the value to variable as per your DateTime Format
            DateTime validDate_Of_Appointment = Convert.ToDateTime(urDate_Of_Appointment, dateDate_Of_AppointmentInfo);

 // Assign the  value to the class object which we declare Here(Date_Of_Appointment  is variable of a object class)    
 obj.Date_Of_Appointment = validDate_Of_Appointment.ToString();


       string RetDateTime(string srcdate)
            string resdate = "";
                string[] arr = srcdate.Split('/');
                if (arr.Length > 0)
                    resdate = arr[2] + "/" + arr[1] + "/" + arr[0];
            catch (Exception)
            return resdate;

//Apply in Control

                  generatex.FrmDate = RetDateTime(FromDate.Text); ;
                  generatex.ToDate = RetDateTime(ToDate.Text); 

Satyabrata Behera

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